Monday, April 23, 2018

Sikap Profesionalisme yang Berkatian Dengan Pemanfataan Teknologi Sistem Informasi

Contoh dari sikap profesionalisme yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi sistem informasi!
Contoh ciri – ciri profesionalisme di bidang IT adalah :
1. Keterampilan yang berdasar pada pengetahuan teoretis
Profesional diasumsikan mempunyai pengetahuan teoretis yang ekstensif dan memiliki keterampilan yang berdasar pada pengetahuan tersebut dan bisa diterapkan dalam praktek.

2. Asosiasi profesional
Profesi biasanya memiliki badan yang diorganisasi oleh para anggotanya, yang dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan status para anggotanya. Organisasi profesi tersebut biasanya memiliki persyaratan khusus untuk menjadi anggotanya.

3. Pendidikan yang ekstensif
Profesi yang prestisius biasanya memerlukan pendidikan yang lama dalam jenjang pendidikan tinggi.

4. Ujian kompetensi
Sebelum memasuki organisasi profesional, biasanya ada persyaratan untuk lulus dari suatu tes yang menguji terutama pengetahuan teoretis.

5. Pelatihan institutional
Selain ujian, juga biasanya dipersyaratkan untuk mengikuti pelatihan istitusional dimana calon profesional mendapatkan pengalaman praktis sebelum menjadi anggota penuh organisasi. Peningkatan keterampilan melalui pengembangan profesional juga dipersyaratkan.

6. Lisensi
Profesi menetapkan syarat pendaftaran dan proses sertifikasi sehingga hanya mereka yang memiliki lisensi bisa dianggap bisa dipercaya.

7. Otonomi kerja
Profesional cenderung mengendalikan kerja dan pengetahuan teoretis mereka agar terhindar adanya intervensi dari luar.

8. Kode etik
Organisasi profesi biasanya memiliki kode etik bagi para anggotanya dan prosedur pendisiplinan bagi mereka yang melanggar aturan.

9. Mengatur diri
Organisasi profesi harus bisa mengatur organisasinya sendiri tanpa campur tangan pemerintah. Profesional diatur oleh mereka yang lebih senior, praktisi yang dihormati, atau mereka yang berkualifikasi paling tinggi.

10. Layanan publik dan altruisme
Diperolehnya penghasilan dari kerja profesinya dapat dipertahankan selama berkaitan dengan kebutuhan publik, seperti layanan dokter berkontribusi terhadap kesehatan masyarakat.

11. Status dan imbalan yang tinggi
Profesi yang paling sukses akan meraih status yang tinggi, prestise, dan imbalan yang layak bagi para anggotanya. Hal tersebut bisa dianggap sebagai pengakuan terhadap layanan yang mereka berikan bagi masyarakat.
Image result for sikap profesionalisme pemanfaatan teknologi sistem informasi

IT Programmer

IT Programmer, tanggung jawabnya adalah mengambil bagian dalam pengembangan dan integrasi perangkat lunak, mengembangkan secara aktif kemampuan dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak, menerima permintaan user untuk masalah-masalah yang harus diselesaikan, menyediakan dukungan dan penyelesaian masalah konsumen baik untuk konsumen internal maupun eksternal, bertanggung jawab atas kepuasan terkini pelanggan, melakukan tugas-tugas yang berkaitan dan tanggung jawab yang diminta, , mengerjakan macam-macam tugas terkait seperti yang diberikan, dan membentuk kekompakan maksimum dalam perusahaan bersama dengan rekan-rekan dalam perusahaan.


Tugas 2 Bhs Inggris Bisnis 2 (Toefl Exercises (1))


1.      Dinosaurs are classified as reptiles, although some appear to have been warms-blooded
     A                                     B                               C                                         D
The Correct Answer : B
The Correct Sentence : as reptile
Reason : because the word ‘dinosaurs’ already explained it so many.

2.      Every fuel has their own particular temperature at which it begins to burn.
                      A                       B                                 C         D
The Correct Answer : A
The Correct Sentence : has its
Reason : the word ‘their’ is plural noun. But the sentence must be used singular noun.

3.       The hormone insulin controls by the amount of sugar in the blood which
                                            A                         B                     C
provides energy  for the body.
The Correct Answer : A
The Correct Sentence : is controlled
Reason : the word ‘control’ must be used verb 2.

4.      Pelican Island in Florida and Oregon Islands in Oregon are wildlife refugees.
            A                 B                         C                                             D
The Correct Answer : C
The Correct Sentence : Oregon Island
Reason : the word ‘island’ not use ‘s’, because the word no explained how much.

5.      When the island of Surtsey was eighteen months old a first leafy green plant appeared
                 A                B                                                  C                D
The Correct Answer : C
The Correct Sentence : the first
Reason : because before the word ‘a’ not use to be.

6.      Octopuses have not only large brains and also a well developed nervous system.
         A                                                B          C           D
The Correct Answer : B. and
The Correct sentence: Octopuses have not only large brains but also a well developed nervous system.

7.      Symptoms of mild vitamin C deficiency may be weakness, irritability, losing weight,
                                                                                    A               B                  C
and apathy.
The Correct Answer: C. losing weight
The Correct sentence: Symptoms of mild vitamin C deficiency may be weakness, irritability, weight loss, and apathy.

8.      Around 1750, electricity experiments became populartity as entertainment at the court
                              A               B                                 C                    D
of the French King Louis XV.
The Correct Answer: C. popularity
The Correct sentence: Around 1750, electricity experiments became popular as entertainment at the court of the French King Louis XV.

9.      In 1780, Italian scientist Luigi Galvani mistaken concluded that frogs’ legs contain
                               A                                   B                                                      C
The Correct Answer: B. mistaken
The Correct sentence: In 1780, Italian scientist Luigi Galvani was mistaken concluded that frogs’ legs contain electricity.

10.  Electricity produced by nature is called static electricity because it exerts a forceful
                                          A                      B                                                        C
When it is stationary
The Correct Answer: C. forceful
The Correct sentence: Electricity produced by nature is called static electricity because it exerts a force When it is stationary

11.  In the 1931 Winter Olympic many competitors were prevented from to participant
                                                               A                          B                         C
because of the economic depression
The Correct Answer: C. to participant
The Correct sentence: In the 1931 Winter Olympic many competitors were prevented from participating because of the economic depression

12.  Mount St.Helens, a volcano   in Washington state     in the United States
                             A                            B                                   C      
erupted in May 18, 1990
The Correct Answer: A. a
The Correct sentence: Mount St.Helens, the volcano   in Washington state     in the United States erupted in May 18, 1990

13.  The young emperor chick stands in front of one of   it parents to be protected from
            A                                                     B             C                     D
the cold.
The Correct Answer: C. it
The Correct sentence: The young emperor chick stands in front of one of   her parents to be protected from the cold.

14.  Soya  beans contain not only vitamins and  also important minerals.
   A                  B                                    C                 D
The Correct Answer: C. and
The Correct sentence: Soya  beans contain not only vitamins but  also important minerals.

15.  Navajo Indians are far more numerous today as  they were in  the past.
            A                 B                                     C                   D
The Correct Answer : C. as
The Correct sentence: Navajo Indians are far more numerous today then  they were in  the past.

Tugas 1 Bhs Inggris Bisnis 2 (Toefl Exercises (0))

1.      Human brain are more powerful than those of other species because of their complex
         A                                                                       B                                           C

The correct answer: A
The correct sentence: Human brains are more powerful than those of other species because of their complex circuitry.
Reason: the use of verb “are” is plural so “brains” must be used because it’s a plural noun.

2.      In a person’s lifetime, the brain can store 100 trillion pieces of informations.
                   A                                                  B             C                D

The correct answer: D
The correct sentence: In a person’s lifetime, the brain can store 100 trillion pieces of information.
Reason: the word “information” is an uncountable noun and can’t use as plural.

3.      Under the feathers is a layer of fat that  it protects  the penguin from the cold.
            A                                          B           C                 D

The correct answer: C
The correct sentence: Under the feathers is a layer of fat that protects the penguin from the cold.
Reason: there is no need to use “it” as pronoun.

4.      Despite of  its isolation in the Sunda Strait   between Java and Sumatra, over 36,000
        A                                       B                           C            
people died in the tidal waves following the explosion of Krakatoa.

The correct answer: A
The correct sentence: In spite of its isolation in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra, over 36,000 people died in the tidal waves following the explosion of Krakatoa.
Reason: The usage of “Despite” is wrong because there is an “of” preposition in which commonly used following by “In spite”.

5.      According experts 60,000  cubic feet of earth was thrown  into the air 
            A                                        B                                           C
in the explosion of  Mount St. Helens.

The correct answer: A
The correct sentence: According to experts 60,000 cubic feet of earth was thrown into the air in the explosion of Mount St. Helens.
Reason: The word “According” must be followed by the preposition “to” and it becomes “According to”

6.      The most  of the energy used in our homes and factories is generated from coal, oil,
       A                 B                                                                                            C     D
and natural gas.

The correct answer: A
The correct sentence: Most of the energy used in our homes and factories is generated from coal, oil, and natural gas.
Reason: The usage of “The” before word “most” is incorrect because uncommonly used.

7.      The new island of Surtsey is its ideal natural laboratory for scientists.
      A                         B                C                                          D

The correct answer: C
The correct sentence: The new island of Surtsey is an ideal natural laboratory for scientists.
Reason: The definite article “an” must replace the word “its”.

8.      The Sahara Desert in Africa is by far the  most large desert in the world, covering an
                                                     A                B                               
 area nearly  as big as the United States.
            C            D

The correct answer: B
The correct sentence: The Sahara Desert in Africa is by far the largest desert in the world, covering an area nearly as big as the United States.
Reason: The superlative word “largest” is must be used because the usage of “most” which describe the word “large” is uncommon.

9.      Computers are machines flexible that can adopt to a wide variety of tasks.
                    A             B                            C                 D

The correct answer: B
The correct sentence: Computers are flexible machines that can adopt to a wide variety of tasks.
Reason: The adjective “flexible” must placed after the noun “machines”.

10.  Diamonds are graded according to weigh, color, and cut.
        A                                                 B         C           D

The correct answer: B
The correct sentence: the verb “weigh” can’t be used and it must replaced by noun, because it’s grammatically incorrect.